Friday, April 07, 2006


Hi, I'm Allan - welcome to my blog: Radically Centrist!

First, I'd like to explain the title of my blog. Chambers dictionary defines "radical" as:
"in favour of or tending to produce thoroughgoing or extreme political and social reforms"
and "centrist" as:
"having moderate, non-extreme political opinions".

These may seem to be opposing definitions, but let me explain. I believe that left- and right-wing politics do not conform to the maxim of "pleasing most of the people most of the time" - for me, the fundamental aim of any political system. The ideals of centrism are generally undefined, in my opinion. The main aim of the centrist is to find a middle ground between the conventional left and right wings, represented (traditionally, but not necessarily in the current political climate) by the Labour and Conservative Parties in the UK, the Democrats and Republicans in the USA, and the Social and Christian Democrats in Germany. In this way, the maxim, above, can be achieved.

In future posts, I aim to set out my opinions on various topics (not necessarily strictly political) and determine if I can achieve my favourite maxim.

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